Rechtliche Hinweise
This Web site is owned by Dr. Jürn Hinnerk Fauteck, hereinafter referred to as HMW.
Access and navigation through this website implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions and is the responsibility of each of the users.
1. Ownership HMW with NIE X2306235W is the owner of the domain name, whose registered office is at C/ Ángel Muñoz, 14, 1º, 28043 Madrid, company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid Volume 34.199, Section 8, Folio 165, Sheet M-615209. The intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this Web are the exclusive property of HMW. Any misuse by third parties will be pursued in accordance with current legislation.
2. Terms and conditions Access and navigation on this website is voluntary and implies accepting and knowing the legal notice, terms of use and conditions contained therein. Both the legal notice and the conditions of the service may undergo modifications of any type with the purpose of adapting to legislative or technological changes. All changes made will be notified properly and will be valid since they are posted on this website. HMW works to ensure that the navigation conditions are adequate. HMW is not responsible or guarantee that the access to this Web is uninterrupted.
3. Contents From HMW we ensure that the contents included in this website are updated even if the information may be inaccurate or inconsequential in some respect. HMW is not responsible for the transmission of information that occurs among users of this page. Any communication or transmission of content that infringes the rights owned by third parties and whose content is threatening, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, xenophobic, the dignity of the person or the rights of childhood, in short that violates the current legality. Likewise, the inclusion and communication of content by users that are false or inaccurate and that induce or may be misleading to other users is prohibited. HMW offers links to other Internet pages for informational purposes, is not responsible for the content detailed on those portals.
4. Applicable legislation The terms and conditions of use of this website are governed by Spanish law.
5. Contact At any time, you may contact HMW via postal mail, sending a letter to Hmw Legal Family Office, C/ Ángel Muñoz, 14, 1º, 28043 Madrid; or by telephone to the number +34 634 694 853, or by email